June 1st, 2020
Recently published apps
The RSEM toolkit and workflow were upgraded to CWL1.0 and updated to the latest versions.
May 20th, 2020
Disabling of inactive user accounts
As a part of the ongoing effort on maximizing the security of the Seven Bridges Platform, we have started identifying inactive user accounts, which will be temporarily disabled in the upcoming period. This procedure is in line with recommendations and best practices for additional data security and prevention of unauthorized access to the system.
User accounts that will be labelled as inactive are those that haven’t logged in to the Platform or used the API in 90 days. Prior to temporarily disabling inactive accounts, notification emails will be sent out to their owners, inviting them to log in to the Platform if they want to keep their accounts active. Accounts that do get disabled will not be removed and data associated with them will remain on the Platform. They can be re-enabled at any time by emailing our Support Team at support@sbgenomics.com.
Finally, please note that this process will be continuous. This means that account inactivity will be constantly monitored and the procedure of sending notifications and disabling user accounts will be automatically carried out for any account that reaches the specified period of inactivity.
May 18th, 2020
ImprovementsSimpler deploy of automation code packages
We have updated our Automation Development Kit (ADK) to simplify the process of creating and deploying code packages to the Seven Bridges Platform.
The new ADK command for creating code package files that are executable on the Seven Bridges platform is called ‘freyja build‘ and is available in Freyja version 0.16.3 or higher. It checks the correctness of your project structure and content before it creates the code package, which helps avoid unnecessary execution failures. The new command also allows you to exclude certain files from the build process (for example config files containing your personal secret settings) and to specify project-external directories to be included in your code package (for example a shared Python library used across different automations). Please refer to the ‘freyja build‘ command synopsis for further details. The old command ‘freyja pack‘ has been deprecated.
Uploading code package files to the Seven Bridges Platform has also become much easier. Instead of first uploading the code package file to a Seven Bridges project that then needs to be linked to the automation, you can now upload code package files directly into the automation vault in a single step. Please refer to the Seven Bridges CLI command ‘sb automations packages create‘ for further details (version 0.12.3 or higher).
A step-by-step tutorial for the new deployment process is available online.
To make use of these new features, please pip-upgrade to the latest version of the ADK and install the newest version of the SB CLI.
April 27th, 2020
Recently published apps
Salmon, DeepVariant and STAR-Fusion were updated to the latest versions.
April 13th, 2020
Data model updates
Data models have been changed for a series of datasets on the Seven Bridges Platform. You will be notified about the change through an info message next to your saved Data Browser queries, informing you that the queries might be affected by the data model update and instructing you to rebuild the queries that are not working, or contact Seven Bridges for assistance.
ImprovementsData Cruncher file preview improvements
We have improved the file preview option in Data Cruncher analysis details to support additional file formats. The full list of supported formats now includes IPYNB
, MD
, and raw content preview is available for all other text file formats, for example RMD
, R
, PY
, etc.
April 6th, 2020
Recently published apps
Cutadapt was updated to the latest version and upgraded to CWL1.0.
March 23rd, 2020
NewData model versions
To help you maintain your dataset queries and align them with changes in underlying data models, we have introduced data model versioning.
Data models determine the nomenclature for all elements that are included in a model, define all entities and their properties, as well as relationships between different entities. When there is a new version of a data model, the structure of these elements and their relationships can change, thus rendering previously saved queries non-runnable.
To make the changes more visible and help you rebuild your queries, data model versions are displayed at various locations in the Data Browser for each of the available datasets, as well as the update history. Learn more
Recently published apps
DESeq2 was updated to the latest version and upgraded to CWL1.0.
March 17th, 2020
NewReal-time job monitoring / Instance metrics [BETA]
With these new features we are providing additional job monitoring and debugging tools, which are readily accessible for each task during its execution. You are now able to monitor execution progress in a more extensive way and find out the reasons for stuck, prolonged, or misconfigured jobs on your own, while we continue to ensure the same level of reproducibility.
Real-time job monitoring
As long as the instance on which the job was running is active, you can now access the following information about the job execution environment:
- Standard output and error streams.
- Workspace directory content and structure.
- Head/Tail preview of text file formats for files in the workspace directory.
- Instance metrics for the duration of the job.
Instance metrics
The Platform now also lets you access instance metrics information for all instances used in task execution. This information is available during task execution and for 15 days after the task has been executed. Read more
March 9th, 2020
NewData Cruncher multiple environment setups
When selecting your Data Cruncher environment, you are now able to chose between different environment setups for your JupyterLab or RStudio analysis. Each environment setup is a set of preinstalled libraries that is available every time an analysis is started and is intended for a specific purpose.
For this first release, we are enabling support for machine learning use cases using CPU or GPU instances. Learn more.