
We blog about genomics. We also make a platform for open-source analysis of next generation data in the cloud. Hello.

Lior Pachter, biological networks, and the future of science

The scientific community is assessing manners, I think, because so many of us are in a better position to comment on those than on the science. There’s more drama in bioinformatics this past month, as Lior Pachter, with his student Nicolas Bray, published a series of blog posts eviscerating, among …

Written by Nate

The GTEx methods debate

This week, a dialogue erupted around the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) Consortium and its methods for analyzing RNA-Seq data. Tracking the debate will take you through Twitter threads, into blog posts, down comments sections, past PubMed entries, and over Nature‘s login wall.

Written by Kate Blair

Cloud-based NGS analysis makes it to Nature

You know a technology has made it when it shows up in a print page of Nature. So we were pleased to see that Vol. 495, Issue 293, released today, includes a piece on the rise of cloud-based next-generation sequence (NGS) analysis. The past year of conferences has given us …

Written by Kate Blair

Beyond the Genome to the Clinic

There are too many stories to relate from Beyond the Genome 2012, held at Harvard’s New Research Building last week. Many of them are beautifully synthesized in Isaac Kohane’s notes from the meeting (start here and press “Prev” to view talk notes in order). Instead of re-hashing well told tales, I will …

Written by Kate Blair

John Sheffield wants you to join the genomic revolution

John Sheffield explains how the open sharing of data is the next step in the genomics revolution. About John : John Sheffield is co-founder and president of Seven Bridges Genomics, which aims to harness open-source innovation to make genomics analysis accessible, repeatable, and sharable across the scientific community. John began …

Written by brandi

The currency of academia under fire

Publishing results in peer-reviewed journals is the main currency of academic success today.  This Guardian article explains why.  It also highlights the shift towards open access publishing that seems to be afoot. Award-winning Cambridge mathematician declares he will no longer publish with or review for Elsevier journals. Wellcome Trust (English equivalent of …

Written by Kate Blair

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